
Hello, everyone! I’m here with a brand new start to a blog as a companion website to my YouTube.com website located at http://www.youtube.com/askmisscris

I will be starting a blogtalkradio.com show so if you are interested in tuning or have come to this website expecting to hear my show, visit my page at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/askmisscris and when I’m live, click “listen now.” This show will enable live calls so get your questions ready for me!

Please feel free to browse the site, if you have questions or comments or even wish to just drop me a line on a topic you would like me to cover, please feel free to do so through a blog comment, a YT comment, or an email to misscris@insightbb.com

Thank you so much for the support. You have no idea how much I appreciate it!


Miss Cris is not a professional YET. She is a hobbiest when it comes to researching human sexuality topics. Currently Miss Cris is attending university for her BS in Psychology.

All advice taken from this website and the YouTube site is at the viewers own accord and Miss Cris cannot be held responsible for any outcome. This site should be viewed as entertainment only since Miss Cris is NOT a professional (yet).